Replacing vacant properties with thriving small businesses fosters economic development in disinvested Chicago neighborhoods. With the support of We Rise Together: For an Equitable & Just Recovery (We Rise Together), the Small Business Advocacy Council (SBAC) and Allies for Community Business (A4CB) launched a program focused on connecting vacant property owners with entrepreneurs ready to transition or expand into brick-and-mortar spaces.

The program connected vacant property owners with entrepreneurs in Auburn Gresham, Austin, Back of the Yards, Englewood, Gage Park, North Lawndale, South Lawndale, South Shore, Washington Park, and West Lawn. It also provided small business owners with funding to help them transition into brick-and-mortar spaces, along with coaching services for entrepreneurs. This collaborative project engaged chambers of commerce and place-based organizations in communities served by We Rise Together.

This program:
· Identified small businesses that wished to expand into brick-and-mortar spaces.
· Provided eligible businesses coaching and educational services.
· Connected businesses with the owners of vacant commercial properties.
· Provided funds these businesses could use to facilitate their transition into vacant properties.