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The SBAC is Fighting to Help the Small Business Community Recover from the Pandemic and Thrive

The SBAC is Fighting to Help the Small Business Community Recover from the Pandemic and Thrive ADVOCACY The SBAC is fighting to help the small business community recover from the pandemic and thrive.  Learn about our legislative agenda here:   SBAC – Legislative Agenda Insights Archive Insights Archive Select Month July 2024 May 2024 April…

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PANDEMIC MAKES STUDENT DEBT RELIEF CRUCIAL Pandemic Makes Student Debt Relief Crucial Over 45 million Americans collectively owe an approximate $1.6 trillion in student loans. This exorbitant debt stifles our economy and impedes the mobility of young Americans who thought going to college would provide financial security. The economic impact of the pandemic has put…

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Summarization of EEOC Vaccine Guidelines

Summarization of EEOC Vaccine Guidelines December 16th – The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has addressed the most common employer questions regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. As of now, there are currently no state or federal laws that prohibit employers from requiring vaccinations as a condition of employment, however, employees can refuse to get the vaccine…

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Business Interruption Insurance

Business Interruption Insurance WHAT IS BUSINESS INTERUPTION INSURANCE? The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on individuals, families and communities. The pandemic is also causing tremendous financial hardship on small and local businesses. Typically, businesses will carry business interruption insurance to cover for potential extended closures caused by extraordinary circumstances. Competent business owners have…

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Main Street Lending Proposal

Main Street Lending Proposal  SUMMARY   The Federal Reserve established the Main Street Lending Program (the “Program”) to help aid small and medium-sized for-profit businesses and nonprofit organizations who were in sound financial condition before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and who were unable to get aid under any of the other COVID-19 related…

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