The Small Business Advocacy Council and a coalition of engaged stakeholders have come together to revitalize, empower, and connect commercial corridors in the Chicagoland area. This is a collaborative effort involving grassroots engagement, policy advocacy, and educational initiatives.
Our coalition looks to address the vacant property crisis in Cook County, cut red tape that burdens local businesses, and encourage local investment in communities.
Words from our Partners
“Reducing the number of vacant storefronts in local neighborhoods is important, because vacant properties in commercial corridors reduce foot traffic which further reduce sales opportunities for existing businesses.”
Felicia Slaton-Young
Executive Director
Greater Englewood Chamber of Commerce
“When I think about small businesses on the south side, I think about how eager and energetic businesses are to find a commercial space and how many vacant properties that are vacant, that could be filled with that new energy.”
Diane Burnham,
Executive Director
South East Chicago Commission
“It was imperative to join the Neighborhood Revitalization Coalition, as we understand that this is a collaborative city-wide effort. We hope that this partnership allows us to create stronger relationships with our property owners, so we can help address this issue together.”
Nilda Esparza,
Executive Director
Logan Square Chamber of Commerce
“For me, being a member of BSM and a part of this coalition, it hits everything that we’re searching for in our organization. Economic development is one of the key problems in our underserved communities. We all ride past blocks of vacant storefronts that could be useful in our communities if the right business was there.”
-Danielle Petty, Founder & CEO, L.T. Consultants, LLC, Secretary, Building Strong Millennials (BSM)
If you wish to be a part of this collaborative effort, please fill out our contact form here.