How can we cut red tape for small businesses through zoning?
In the City of Chicago, every business license, location expansion and change of location application needs to be reviewed and approved by the Zoning Board of Appeals before a business license application can be processed. For a business owner to submit proper documentation, they must identify which business use to classify their business. In the City of Chicago, there are over 22 pages of business uses - a portion of which are outdated and with a noticeable omission of modern ways to incorporate businesses into the city economy.
The SBAC believes in cutting red tape for small business owners. Simplifying and downsizing the list of business uses will make it easier for small businesses to obtain proper zoning credentials in a timely fashion. By identifying the antiquities in Chicago’s zoning classification system, we can further encourage entrepreneurs to look beyond the boundaries of traditional business structures.
Chicago Small Business Package: Eliminate Barriers & Streamline Processes
SBAC INSIGHTS PAGE View and Download the Chicago Small Business Package Ordinance HERE. Find and Contact Your Elected Officials HERE! Fact Sheets & Resources Expand Download Quick Fact Sheet Download PDF Fact Sheet in Spanish Fact Sheet in Polish Fact Sheet in Arabic Fact Sheet in Chinese Fact Sheet in Vietnamese Endorsed By: Alderman Anthony…
SBAC on the Move: Advocating for the Small Business Community
SBAC INSIGHTS PAGE SBAC on the Move: Advocating for the Small Business Community At the SBAC, we’re committed to ensuring that small businesses have a seat at the table regarding policymaking. Over the last few months, the SBAC has heavily engaged with policymakers and community leaders to advocate for small businesses. From forums to roundtables,…
FY2025 Chicago Budget Hearing Schedule
SBAC INSIGHTS PAGE COMMITTEE ON THE BUDGET & GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS FY2025 Budget Hearing Schedule – Amended Nov 14, 2024 6th Amended Agenda Amended Nov 14, 2024 Download Schedule NOVEMBER Wednesday, November 13th at 10AM NO COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, November 14th at 10AM NO COMMITTEE MEETING Friday, November 15th at 10AM Chicago Police Department Saturday, November…